Alan Li

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High Park Nature Centre Linocut Workshop

Thank you to everyone who attended the Linocut Printmaking Workshops at the High Park Nature Centre! More specifically, that would be: Lillian, Brice, Cindy, Kerry, Jean, Delphine, Rita, Alex, Sara S, Mark, Aira, Jen, Barbara, Sara, Krys, Shawna, Ines, Emma, Bradley, Gail and Marilyn.

It was an absolute pleasure to be in a room bursting with creativity and enthusiasm. Everybody did an incredible job and your original handmade prints speak for themselves.

Below is a small sampling of the printmaking artistry (apologies if I missed anyone, it always gets a bit chaotic once the ink comes out!)

Special thanks to High Park staff members Aira, Emily and Robin for creating a welcoming classroom and all the behind-the-scenes support. Very much appreciated.

Happy Printmaking!
