Alan Li

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LUNA Toronto

Left to Right: Alan, Jessica, Kaliopi, John, Victoria, Malgosia, Catharina, Carol and Jan

I’m very excited to be sharing news of a group art project I’ve been working on for the past several months. We call ourselves the League of Urban Nature Artists (LUNA for short) and our project is to draw and paint a place here in Toronto called the Wilket Creek Ravine.

We began laying the groundwork in January, and with winter finally over, we’ll be spending more time drawing outdoors without worrying about our fingers freezing! All of the completed artwork will be displayed in October to coincide with the annual Ravine Symposium held at Toronto Botanical Garden (TBG). Both myself and the other artists will be present at the symposium where we hope to sell our art pieces with 50% of every sale going towards Conservation Programs at TBG.

In the months ahead, LUNA members will also be leading free Ravine Sketching Tours of Wilket Creek to show people the wonders of the ravines and explain why these places matter. Tour details will be posted in the near future on the TBG website.

If you’re interested in following our exploits, I’ve included links below to our social feeds and website. The website is a bit sparse at the moment, but that’ll change as more artwork is created and the blog posts start rolling in.

- Alan



