Alan Li

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Field Sketching at Toronto Botanical Garden

Thank you so much to everyone who took part in the Field Sketching Workshop at Toronto Botanical Garden.   We had a lovely group of 11 people (a 12th person registered, but didn’t show up) and the day was absolutely gorgeous for an outdoor class.

After a short hike up the ravine, we ended up in a pine grove where we sketched leaves & feathers before moving onto native plants growing in a nearby garden.  Much like a Polaroid, I found it fascinating to watch the images gradually develop and I believe the resulting sketches look fantastic.  Really great job everyone.

Kailah, a participant who has taken part in my Butterfly and Bird workshops, put it best: “Do more outdoor classes like this!”  

Thank you Jennifer, Tara, Briana, Judith, Robert, Madura, Charlotte, Kailah, Angela, Margaret, & Jan.  Please contact me anytime if you have questions or wish to chat!

Special thanks to Maggie & Colleen at TBG who handle all the workshop logistics that go on behind the scenes.

Happy Sketching!

- Alan